R.R.R.R.R.ise Above Your Circumstances...A 5 Part Blog Series...Part 3

Remember to be RESPONSIBLE.
Responsibility. It's one of the many things in life that is simple, but not easy. It is a character-trait that can be very difficult to explain because it has so many different applications. Responsibility also seems to be when of the first things that goes right out the window when life's circumstances begin to overwhelm us. Our character begins to crack under the pressure of a challenger or failure, and we begin to make excuses for why we can't do this or won't do that. Before we know it, not only have we failed to rise above our circumstances we have actually been swallowed up by them. When I interact with student-athletes on this concept, I put it this way: responsibility is remembering. Remember what? Good question. First, remember to do what you said you would do. People who can be trusted right where they are at, will probably end up right where they want to be. Second, remember to do what you're supposed to do. Life can be very hard, but not very complicated. Show up on time. Be polite. Meet deadlines. If we slow down and think about it, we usually know exactly the right thing to do in most every situation. John Maxwell's quote on character really sums up nicely how important a strong sense of responsibility can be when trying to rise above your circumstances.
'Competence matters; character matters more.'
