GUT CHECK: Keeping tabs on the inside part 3

The 3-part post, 'Gut Check' focuses on the importance of making sure your guts (integrity) are strong to withstand the storms of life. You can read part 1 and part 2 here. Part 3 focuses on what happens to others when your guts are rotted....

3. Don't believe the lie that your fall won't hurt anyone. A collapse of integrity of one person always hurts many people. Trust, destroyed, is a painful experience. We are all connected to so many people and none of us lives in a vacuum. Spouses, children, parents, co-workers, and friends are just a quick list of the people that will be damaged if your guts are exposed as rotted. The worst part is that the fall never happens during the calm times in life. It is during the storms of life, when so many people need our help and support, that our guts can be exposed as rotten.

Make a commitment to root yourself in integrity and you can stand strong during the storms of life.
