My experiences in high school,
college, and career have always revolved around athletics. As a result, my days
almost always end with the stress of competition. There is a 50/50 chance that
I will go home every evening dejected from a loss or exhilarated from a win. Even
as an athletic administrator, this remains true as I feel many of these emotions
on behalf of my coaches. This provides
daily case studies on leadership that are crystal clear. The scoreboard has a
way of making life pretty black and white.
I have found that losing and struggle is where great leadership is most
often demonstrated. Teams don’t really need their leader when it is going well.
Teams are desperate for a leader when it is going poorly. I think this has a
very easy application to teams of all kinds and losing of all kinds.
Businesses, churches, non-profit organizations, and families will all
experience the stress of losing. Here
are 4 simple ways to lead well when it feels like you and your team are
Be hopeful that better days are coming because they are. I am not talking about a faked, contrived, naïve insanity. I’m talking about a hope that comes from a commitment to keep
pursuing mission and adapting plans that will yield better days. Along the journey, there will be bad days AND good days. Leaders find a way to look through the bad days knowing that good days will come back around. Remind your
team of the mission, communicate changes to the plan to make the mission, and
reassure them better days are coming...with a big smile on your face.
Bring the most energy when there is a lack of energy. In an athletic
team setting, there are two people that have to be high energy every day: the
head coach and the best player. If those two people are high energy, the group
is likely to reach its fullest potential and pull through losing streaks.
The more people on your team, the more empowered they need to be by trust
and loyalty. Insecurity flares fast when losing shows up. Teammates start
pointing fingers, and stop communicating with each other. The leader should
express belief in the abilities of the people that they are serving both privately and
Demonstrate determination to push through the losing streak. Losing
makes you question whether or not the pursuit is worth it. With those questions
comes the temptation to cut corners. Evaluate what you would do and how long you
would do it if you were winning. You should do the exact same thing when you
are losing. The people you lead are looking for either a reason to give in or
an inspiration to keep going. The leader will be one or the other.
I want to close with an excerpt
of a letter written by General George Marshall to another general. The letter is
written more than two decades before General Marshall became famous for his
leadership during World War II and was named Secretary of Defense under
President Truman. It demonstrates General Marshall’s belief in how to lead when
it appears the team is losing...
5, 1920
John S. Mallory
University PlaceLexington, Virginia
My Dear
General Mallory,
summer during one of our delightful rides I commented on the advice I would
give a young officer going to war, based on my observation of what had
constituted the success of the outstanding figures in the American
Expeditionary Forces, and you asked me to write out what I had said. A
discussion with Fox Conner this morning reminded me of my promise to do this,
so here it is.
To be a
highly successful leader in war four things are essential, assuming that you
possess good common sense, have studied your profession and are physically
conditions are difficult, the command is depressed and everyone seems critical
and pessimistic, you must be especially cheerful and optimistic.
evening comes and all are exhausted, hungry and possibly dispirited,
particularly in unfavorable weather at the end of a march or in battle, you
must put aside any thought of personal fatigue and display marked energy in
looking after the comfort of your organization, inspecting your lines and
preparing for tomorrow.
Make a
point of extreme loyalty, in thought and deed, to your chiefs personally; and
in your efforts to carry out their plans or policies, the less you approve the
more energy you must direct to their accomplishment.
The more
alarming and disquieting the reports received or the conditions viewed in
battle, the more determined must be your attitude.
Never ask
for the relief of your unit and never hesitate to attack.
certain in the belief that the average man who scrupulously follows this course
of action is bound to win great success. Few seemed equal to it in this war,
but I believe this was due to their failure to realize the importance of so
governing their course.
George C.
General Staff Aide-de-Camp
‘Bite Down and Don’t Let Go’ is a collection of writings on
being intentional about life in a way that produces great persistence. Read
about it more here.
Dr. Chris Hobbs is an educational leader and Director
of Athletics at The King’s Academy in West Palm Beach, Florida. He’s earned a few
degrees and won some awards. He’s happily married to his high school
sweetheart and they have three teen age children. Life is messy and complicated
most of the time. You can follow him on Twitter
for all sorts of inspirational thoughts and good laughs.
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