Contagious Belief: 7 ways a leader can make it spread (579 words, 2.5 minute read)

'Your dad makes the people around him believe.' A colleague of mine said that to my kids recently. Honestly, I've heard the comment often. Belief is powerful. I've read about it extensively, researched it in my doctoral work Liberty University, and have been published on it by the NIAAA - National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association & Coach and Athletic Director and blogged for Baylor Center for School Leadership

I guess I do know how to make it contagious so here are 7 ways you can too.

SAY 'I BELIEVE IN YOU' It is amazing what can be true if you take the time to say it. My kids know to always say 'I love you' before they hang up the phone with my wife and I. Why? Because there is power in saying things out loud. Dr. Jimmy Scroggins told me that 'speak it into existence' is a legitimate leadership strategy. Speak belief into existence by telling people that you believe in them.

SHOW UP IN A GOOD MOOD My father has been leading schools for 47 years. He goes to school every morning in a good mood on purpose. He understands that leaders are the weather. And, if a leader really believes why would they be bad weather?

LIKE THE PEOPLE ON YOUR TEAM People are smart. Really smart. They know when they are liked, tolerated, or disliked. Why would they believe in a leader or believe in what a leader believes in if they know the leader doesn't like them? Students don't learn from teachers that don't like them, athletes don't play hard for coaches that don't like them, and belief is not contagious when people feel the leader doesn't like them. Ignore the annoying traits of your team, confront the toxic traits, and focus on the redeeming traits.

REMIND PEOPLE ABOUT PURPOSE Patrick Lencioni calls leaders CROs - chief reminding officers. The small, daily grind of work makes sense when you are constantly reminded of the purpose. It becomes possible to believe that your work matters. And if a leader really believes why wouldn't they remind people all of the time?

BE REALLY PREPARED Coach Bobby Knight once quipped that everyone wants to win, but few want to prepare to win. You know what is a catalyst to preparation? Belief. You know what makes people question belief? A leader who isn't willing to be prepared.

USE THEIR IDEAS When I was coaching varsity basketball, I made it a habit to let my players choose the play in a game winning situation. It always shocked them for a moment that I would let them choose the play. Why wouldn't I use their idea if I really believed in them? Ask people for their ideas and use them.

RECOGNIZE CONTRIBUTIONS SPECIFICALLY The book of Nehemiah in the Bible is a great leadership study. Nehemiah led the rebuild of a wall around an entire city in only 52 days. That's mind boggling. Afterwards, he called people out and credited them for their contribution. Celebrate the contribution of people. Use their name and describe what they did. Your team might rebuild a wall around a city in 52 days or too


1 - Say 'I believe in you'

2 - Show up in a good mood

3 - Like the people on your team

4 - Remind people about the purpose

5 - Be really prepared

6 - Use their ideas

7 - Recognize their contributions.

Keep on, keepin’ on, friends!

‘Bite Down and Don’t Let Go’ is a collection of writings on relentlessly leading yourself and others well. Read about it more here.

Dr. Chris Hobbs is an educational leader with more than two decades of experience. He’s earned a few degrees and won some awards. He’s happily married to his high school sweetheart and they have three teen age children. Life is messy and complicated most of the time. You can follow him on Twitter for all sorts of inspirational thoughts and good laughs. 
