Seven things I thought about a lot in 2022...and you should too

I read a lot. I share a lot. I lead a lot. It means that I am forced to think a lot. There are some things that I consistently thought a lot about last year. And, I think these things I thought about a lot may help you to think about some important things in 2023.

Here are 7 things I thought about a lot in 2022 and you should too

'If they are winning, it does not mean I am losing. I can win without making others lose.' Zero sum thinking, believing that there has to be a winner and loser in every scenario, shows up in our lives in ways big and small. Scrolling through social media, giving applause at a banquet, or congratulating a family member on a positive new development in their life can flare up a little insecure voice in your head. Ignore it. Zero sum thinking is toxic. Don't think this way. It only poisons yourself.

'A distraction filled life is a traction-less life.' Distractions are the scourge of our society. Those that accomplish the most are those that are the least distracted. How do you reduce distractions? My #1 go-to is a quiet hour to start each day. Get up early, sip coffee, read, pray, journal, think, and write lists. If you want traction each day, start the day without distractions.

'Nothing of any significance was accomplished without enthusiasm.' Show up in a good mood everyday. It is your choice. Make the right choice.

'Thread the needle.' Leadership is complicated. Nuance, context, people, relationships, and resources must be navigated to thread the needle. Get used to this. The complications and the challenges to navigate them do not mean you are not capable. It means you are leading.

'Forget your agenda. Find out what is on your leader's agenda and do that.' We all answer to someone. A no-fail way to get better at your job is to do the things that matter to your leader. And their confidence will grow in letting you do what matters to you.

'Think further ahead than most, and communicate today more than most.' A simple and practical way to lead better is to think ahead on behalf of your people and talk to them about it. A good portion of great leadership is reminding people about what is coming up. Often.

'I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in Truth.' This verse, found in 3 John 1:4, weighs heavier and heavier on me. My kids are 21, 18, & 16. Their ability to navigate the complexities of life is correlated to what they do with the Truth. Life is challenging. Anchor yourself to the Truth.

Leading yourself, your family, and others is a thinking person's game. I wonder what are the thoughts you should be thinking a lot about this year? 

‘Bite Down and Don’t Let Go’ is a collection of writings on relentlessly leading yourself and others well. Read about it more here.

Dr. Chris Hobbs is an educational leader with more than two decades of experience. He’s earned a few degrees and won some awards. He’s happily married to his high school sweetheart and they have three teen age children. Life is messy and complicated most of the time. You can follow him on Twitter for all sorts of inspirational thoughts and good laughs. 
