DIAMOND-LIKE CHARACTER: 4 characteristics of unbreakable leaders

Diamonds are a hot topic in my family right now. The engagement of my oldest daughter had been brewing for multiple months, and she'd been hunting diamonds online and in jewelry stores for longer than that. I was reminded why diamonds are considered so unique when I came across a description of them in D. Michael Lindsay’s ‘Hinge Moments.’ Consider the following about diamonds: 

  • They are the hardest known substance on the earth, practically unbreakable

  • Diamonds are one of the strongest conductors of heat on the planet

  • The melting point of diamonds can be as high as 7,000 degrees

  • They are sort of paradox, having the densest atomic configuration, yet they are one of the most transparent materials we know about

Interestingly, it is the process of their formation that makes diamonds virtually indestructible. If carbon molecules are exposed to low-pressure atmospheres, they form everyday graphite. But if carbon is placed under intense pressure for an extended time, it forms diamonds. 

We are like diamonds in many ways. Antifragile is a term I came across in The Coddling of American Mind. Pressure and stress do not break us. It is good for us to be under pressure and to face stress because we adapt, respond, and grow in the face of it. It forges our character.  

Consider the pressure you are facing in life and as a leader. Are you responding in an antifragile way? Are you developing a diamond-like character? 

UNBREAKABLE CHARACTER LIKE A DIAMOND - Pressure is real, but what does it do to you? Does it make you turn on the people that matter most? Does it make you abandon your habits? Do you let your life break apart into pieces when the stress shows up? Commit to being unbreakable and how much more unbreakable you become. 

CONTAGIOUS CHARACTER LIKE A DIAMOND - Will Guidara, owner of the #1 rated restaurant in the world, says, ‘You should bring energy to every conversation that impacts the people you are speaking to and not the other way around.’ Do you conduct the right heat? Is it the type of heat that warms people and draws them in, or do you conduct the heat that burns people? If you have diamond-like character, you will draw people to you with the warmth of energy when the pressure is on. 

RESILIENT CHARACTER LIKE A DIAMOND - Most diamonds require at least 4,000 degrees to melt. Some require 7,000 degrees before melting. Their molecular structure holds firm when facing thousands of degrees of heat. That’s unfathomable. What about you? How resilient are you to the blast furnace of life? Do maintain your mental and emotional shape when facing the fires of life? Consider the Biblical character of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when facing the fiery furnace for refusing to worship an earthly king. ‘“King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve can deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[c] from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Talk about resilience in the face of fire! 

TRANSPARENT CHARACTER LIKE A DIAMOND - Despite the incredible strength and resilience of a diamond, it is the beauty of its transparency that makes it so valuable to us. A feature of the transparency of a diamond is you can see any internal blemishes. How do you handle the pressure of life? Do you hide your flaws and ignore your weaknesses, or are you transparent with the people around you? The transparency amid pressure will make a leader valuable to those around them.

My daughter is very excited about her diamond and the future it signifies. I hope your character is as impressive as that diamond!

Keep on, keepin' on, friends.

Bite Down and Don’t Let Go is a collection of writings on relentlessly leading yourself and others well. Read about it more here. You can listen to the Bite Down and Don't Let Go podcast here! 

Dr. Chris Hobbs is an educational leader with more than two decades of experience. He’s earned a few degrees and won some awards. He’s happily married to his high school sweetheart, and they have three children. Life is messy and complicated most of the time. You can follow him on Twitter for inspirational thoughts and good laughs.
