R.R.R.R.R.ise Above Your Circumstances...A 5 Part Blog Series...Part 4

RESILIENCE is the only magic formula. Literally.
Did you know that educational research repeatedly proves the number one factor determining student achievement is grit? Angela Ducksworth of the University of Pennsylvania successfully proved this when she developed the ‘grit test’. It was a 17 question quiz evaluating a person’s ‘grit’ and was given to 1200 West Point Army Cadets prior to their beginning of the summer program, the Beast Barracks. The ‘grit’ test was far more accurate at predicting who would successfully complete the Beast Barracks program that even the Army’s multiple day evaluation process. You can take the grit test here.
What is grit? Grit is the ability to persevere, and move forward in the midst of failure and obstacles. Is there a difference between grit and resilience? Technically, resilience is the power to return to original positioning after being bent, crushed, or stretched. The combination of these two comes together something like this: Continuing to move in a particular direction even when knocked off course by failure and obstacles that crush or stretch us. WOW! I may not have convinced you of the value of resilience when it comes to rising above your circumstances, but may be Michael Jordan and Winston Churchill can…
‘Failure is not fatal. Quitting is.’ – Michael Jordan speaking of his pursuit of NBA championships before he actually won one.
‘Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never.’ – Winston Churchill addressing the English people as they faced potential invasion from Nazi Germany
